+91 2642 290301


About Us

About us


Asmita Vikas Kendra is a non-profit organization, which works to fund and operate projects and activities that empower individuals, instill self-confidence, promote respect, and provide tangible tools to allow individuals to contribute positively to society. Our efforts focus on disadvantaged communities and families with constrained financial resources.

Asmita means “I am” and refers to the "feeling of I-am-ness, the principle of individuality that enables us to identify ourselves as apart from others." Vikas means development. Together, Asmita Vikas empowers the individual as a whole regardless of their financial status, caste, gender or religion.

Our immediate goal is to reach out to each and every person of the Bharuch District of Gujarat, irrespective of his or her religion, caste, or financial status (priority will be given to families who have constrained financial resources).

We are confident and hopeful that in the long-term, our work in this region will provide us with enough experience and expertise to implement more projects across India and other parts of the world where no such facilities are available.

Ultimately, our goal is to co-ordinate with other non-profit organizations with similar missions to create a collective and united force of volunteers and organizations to increase awareness and implement similar projects across the globe.

Your support, encouragement, and co-operation are vital for the future development of our vision. We humbly request you to participate actively in this noble cause for humanity.