+91 2642 290301


Success Story

Success Story


Sahil Shaikh came to ASMITA at the age of Six with sever I.Q. level, It was quite difficult to assess him, extremely hyper active, he refused to respond to any thing. He just sat smiling with his head down to the extent that his face was buried in his chest. During his assessment he showed some interest in stitching . His parents are very poor they were quite worried about his hyper behavior as he was not socializing even with family members, friends and neighbors and had become a topic of discussion amongst them.

The first year of training was focused on peer & teacher interaction . Though his work performance improved, due to his extreme hyper activity and poor communication skills it was difficult to build on his talents. ASMITA has been working continuously on his communication skills and self confidence.

To improve his interaction, he was placed with different teachers, special educators, therapists and students and was also given various responsibilities. This intervention proved successful as his communication and interaction skills improved greatly. Now Sahil Shaikh greets all staff members on the first meeting, The continuous efforts of ASMITA team paid off as Sahil Shaikh now happy and completes his allocated tasks & responsibilities and has become very caring and helpful towards his schoolmates.



AKSHAY came to ASMITA at the age of Eleven with Mild I.Q. level. AKSHAY an inspiration for many, a live example of courage, dedication and devotion. His academic level was also very low. In ASMITA was given regular academic remediation by the trained special educators. This turned her into a very active. He is showing her talent in drawing and painting. He plays the lead role in majority of dances skits and dramas. He participate every year in special Olympics. And he achieved many Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Last he achieved silver medal in Badminton Singles tournament at Kerala. And also got medal in flour hockey at Himachal Pradesh. It’s a very big achievement. AKSHAY is one of the brightest students of ASMITA, who proved that if an opportunity is given at the right time and in the right direction.

To continue to build these skills he has been placed On Job Training in “Asmita Pankaj Priyam Vocational center”. On completion of this training we anticipate he will be ready for job placement within the community.

ASMITA appoint job to him as an assistant peon work.ASMITA gives salary per month on his bank account. We sincerely wish he achieves the capacity to earn independently and contribute financially.